PI Events
Law and Order’
2019 Parliamentary PI event of Alcoholics Anonymous for Professionals.
The event was held on 22nd Oct 2019, at Portcullis House, Westminster. This year it is sponsored by Dr Lisa Cameron MP, a member of the Scottish National Party. She is the Shadow SNP spokesperson on Mental Health, and has served on the Health & Social Care Select Committee. The 2-hour evening event was to raise awareness among Parliamentarians and Professionals of what A.A. is and is not, and how we co-operate with Police, Prisons, Probation, Judicial and Social Services, and other agencies to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
It was a beautiful evening in London which helped our numbers and the House of Commons event at Westminster went smoothly. It was attended by the following.
16 MPs & Lords
73 Professionals
20 AA , committee, staff.
TOTAL 109 booked on the day despite the crucial Brexit vote right at the beginning!
Dr Lisa Cameron MP (Scottish National Party) politician and consultant clinical psychologist who was our Westminster host spoke passionately and what was even better, accurately, about AA. She pledged her personal support in the House. Thank you all for your help and advice. Next year I promise we will publish the date earlier! ....