AA in East Sussex
Local helpline – 01622 751842 | National helpline – 0800 9177 650
Intergroup Officers
This brief summary of duties is taken from service handbook / ESIG Aims and Structure.
Recommended sobriety & term in position
Intergroup Officers require a suggested minimum two years continuous length of sobriety and be committed to serve a minimum term of two, maximum three consecutive years.
Regional Reps require a suggested minimum three years continuous length of sobriety and be committed to serve a term of three consecutive years.
The archivist role is not rotated in the same way, as continuity is important. The minimum sobriety term is two years.
Election of officers
Candidates should be prepared to present a brief history of their AA service, length of continuous sobriety and their commitment to the full duration of the service position. It is suggested that candidates should also have a sponsor.
Handover of positions
Where there is a person currently holding the position, they will support the new officer into the role and provide handover information where relevant.
Intergroup Assemblies
All serving officers, with the exception of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary are required to provide a brief report on activities at each Intergroup Assembly.