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Share Magazine
Share Magazine is our 'meeting between meetings'.
Subscribe to Share Magazine
Subscribe to the print version or download the online version on the AA GB website here
Call for Contributions
Who? You!
What? Your experience!
When? How about now!
Send it to Share Magazine at aashare@gsob.org.uk or to PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York YO1 7NJ
Who writes for SHARE?
People like you and me. Your experience is unique. Other people would love to hear about it. It doesn't take very long to say something that will mean a lot to another alcoholic.
By sharing your experience you are helping other alcoholics in our amazing fellowship.
You may even be carrying the message of hope to someone who hasn't found us yet – in prison, a doctor's waiting room or a hospital bed.
What can I write about?
We want to hear about you. Write about your experience, recovery, faith, doubts; how you have struggled, how you have grown, what has made you laugh or cry.
Share your eperience just like you would at a meeting. We can take care of spelling and punctuation.
When will my article appear in Share?
It can take two months for an article to be printed. Most articles will take longer to appear and we can't publish every article we receive.
If you write about a Step, Tradition or Concept, don't miss the 'two months before' deadline:
Send us Step, Tradition or Concept one for January's issue by the end of October; Step, Tradition or Concept Two by the end of November… and so on.
Anything else?
Please keep your article to less than 1,000 words – remember short is sweet!
We can't print poetry.
Please respect others' anonymity – don't mention them by name, even to praise them.
Send your article to Share Magazine at aashare@gsob.org.uk or to PO Box 1, 10 Toft Green, York YO1 7NJ