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Service in East Sussex

Our Three Legacies are gifts handed down to us. We receive the gift of Recovery when we work the Steps. We receive the Gift of Unity when we cling together in love and work together to keep our Fellowship alive.


We receive the Gift of Service when we act for someone else’s benefit rather than our own – because we are now people who can do something for someone else.


There are many service positions available within your local area. whatever the length of your sobriety there are service positions available to suit. If you are interested in any of the service positions or require further details please contact the East Sussex Intergroup Secretary at



ESIG Officers' duties



Needs good working knowledge of all AA traditions, concepts and procedures; convenes and conducts ESIG assemblies and approves the agenda and minutes before they are published; answers queries and liaises with other Intergroups; attends workshops to discuss issues with other Intergroup chairs.              



Conducts the AGM in January and the meetings in the absence of the Chair.

The Vice Chair will ensure that new GSRs receive, at their first Intergroup Meeting, the East Sussex Intergroup Aims and Structure and the East Sussex lntergroup’s Guidance Notes for GSR's



Keeping a proper account of all intergroup finances and ensuring that funds are available for its essential requirements. Treasurer reports to intergroup against the budget. Surplus funds should always be transferred promptly to GSO, ideally via the region treasurer. Itemise all group donations.


Electronic Communications Officer

Maintaining and updating the ESIG website and keeping group meeting details up to date on the website; acting as point of contact for email and electronic comms queries in Intergroup; arranging the production of Meetings List Cards published at intervals agreed by Intergroup.


Public Information Officer

Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the AA message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. The provision of a panel of members to comply with requests for speakers is an important part of this activity. 


Probation and Prisons Liaison Officer

Responsible for establishing links with the probation services and prisons in area; Collate information about prisons in area (including open prisons, Young Offenders Institutions etc.); Liaise with region/GSO on relevant issues, such as parole, the use of AA tapes and other AA published material, to help probation sponsors. Take meetings into the Prisons in the area or liaise with other nearby Intergroup Officers when no prisons in local area.


Health Liaison Officer – vacant

Health Liaison Officer is responsible for establishing links with health professionals and co-ordinating all aspects of carrying the message within the healthcare system.


Employment Liaison Officer

Employment Liaison Officer assumes responsibility for liaising with all sectors of commerce and industry.


Armed Forces Liaison Officer – vacant

The role of the ASLO is to establish and maintain communication between AA and The Royal Navy, The Army and The Royal Air Force and to report back to intergroup or region. It is also important to cultivate similar contact and communication with veterans’ and families’ organisations.


Telephone Liaison Officer

Works with TLOs in West Kent & Hastings & Rother Intergroups to manage and cover telephone response service for area; Liaises with 12-step coordinator to maintain updated telephone responder and 12-step lists for ESIG area; Provides training for potential responders and ensures all responders have updated contact and 12-step lists; Promotes the telephone service within the Intergroup and provides reports on activities for ESIG Assemblies.


Share Liaison Officer                   - contact the Share Editor for more information

Provides essential contacts between members, groups and the editorial teams. Visit groups in ESIG area to promote Share magazine and encourage members to subscribe / contribute articles.


Young Persons Liaison Officer

Someone who came into AA at the age of 30 or younger and can relate to the particular problems faced by young people seeking to live sober. Receiving and answering enquiries from young people; Sharing experience, strength and hope about getting sober at a young age; Assisting PIs with talks to young people; Helping to develop PI material for young people; working with 12-step coordinator to develop contact lists of those who came into AA at or before the age of 30; Encouraging young people to enter into all aspects of service; Supporting AA activities aimed at young alcoholics.


Region Representative

Three Regional Reps required. Acts as liaison between SE Region and ESIG; attend Regional Assemblies and reports back to ESIG; communicates ESIG issues to Region.


School Talks Liaison Officer – vacant

Co-Ordinates the schools talks programme with local schools and gets members to complete the talks.


Cloud Co-Ordinator

Works with the TLO to manage and maintain the BT cloud system that provides telephone service system for the three intergroups in our telephone service area.



Archives service is the means by which we collect, preserve and share the rich and meaningful heritage of our Fellowship.

Correspondence, records, photographs, newspaper and magazine articles from the past need to be collected, preserved and made available for the guidance and research of AA members and others (researchers, historians and scholars).

The Archivist is the person responsible for the collection, its documents and artefactual items. He or she takes care of, and maintains, the physical integrity of the collection and is instrumental in its further development. The Archivist also protects the anonymity of AA members and the confidentiality of the AA records.

The function of the Archivist is twofold: primarily a custodial responsibility for assuring the physical integrity of the collection and its availability to persons with a valid reason for study; and also, the parallel and critical role of data gatherer.


Convention Convener (from January 2024)

Convenes the steering group to manage the convention. Sub-committees can be responsible for different aspects of convention organisation. Sets overall budget to determine registration fee. Sources suitable venue… etc.

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